NightofSilence.com is an online resource dedicated to the season of Advent and its relevance to contemporary life. Advent challenges us to quiet our minds, to empty ourselves and make room for the new. It stands in direct contrast to the noise and frenzy of the holiday season. May this be a place where you experience renewal of Advent.
online store
This website also offers helpful information about Daniel Kantor's song Night of Silence, and an online store to purchase just the right edition. New Advent music will also be featured in the store.
adventus blog
Visit our blog where we feature guest authors, experts in theology, culture, music, art and spirituality, all to help you get the most of the Advent season.
in the news
Night of Silence: a short Film
Henry Armstrong is a New York based filmmaker from Chicago Illinois. His latest film, 'The Stain', was a finalist at NYU's New Visions and Voices Festival.
This short film, a project in the making, is the culmination of Henry’s degree program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, the highest ranked film school in the world.

an advent reflection
video: part 1
In this video, Daniel Kantor and Fr. Jan Michael Joncas share insights about Advent and the spiritual role it plays in modern life. Come celebrate the darkness through which even a glimmer of light portends the exquisite beauty of real hope.

night of silence
Daniel Kantor and Fr. Jan Michael Joncas discuss the song Night of Silence and its advent origins.
from our blog
within our hearts
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas shares some beautiful hymn texts to guide us through the season.
deconstructing the advent wreath
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas shares with us his approach to Advent waiting, an understanding that has gone through three distinct phases over the course of his life.

night of silence, home edition
This 9x12 sheet-music-size edition is perfect for sitting around the piano with family and friends.
"First we fast. Then we Feast"
— Advent proverb